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Spirulina, The Earth's Food.

Spirulina, The Earth's Food.

Happy Earth Day! What better way to celebrate the Earth than to celebrate spirulina (earth's food). Spirulina is the most nutrient rich food on earth. It contains over 65% pure plant protein and is...

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We See The Glass As Half Full

We See The Glass As Half Full

2022 is the new era of self-care. This includes external self-care for the planet and internal self-care for our bodies. For example, did you know that 2022 year is officially named as the...

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4 Wise VITUS Monkeys 🙈 🙉 🙊🐒

4 Wise VITUS Monkeys 🙈 🙉 🙊🐒

There was once a story of 3 wise monkeys... (*cue rewind/fast forward sound*)...  This is a story of 4 wise (veeeegan) monkeys! Monkey 1 sees no evil by covering its eyes. Monkey 2 hears no evil by...

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The Mg On Magnesium

The Mg On Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most underrated vital bodily functions. Here we discuss the Mg (science) of magnesium. 

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Shining Light On Vitamin D-eficiency

Shining Light On Vitamin D-eficiency

Vitamin D is receiving quite the buzz this year, especially on the topic of immunity. We're shining light on Vitamin D-eficiency in this article.

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Are you getting enough Vitamin B12?

Are you getting enough Vitamin B12?

Consequences of Vitamin B12 deficiency are real. The most reliable vegan sources of B12 are supplements that contain B12 and foods fortified with B12.

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150 Million Reasons To Love A Turkey

150 Million Reasons To Love A Turkey

Firstly, how cute are they? In case you haven't given it much thought, turkeys are beautiful by nature. They're sweet, gentle and serene.

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A Life-Giving Brand Giving Life To The Environment

A Life-Giving Brand Giving Life To The Environment

Happy National Recycling week from the team at VITUS! True to form, VITUS (latin for life-giving) is honoured to bettering the environment.

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Fresh, Not Faux.

Fresh, Not Faux.

By definition, faux means 'made in imitation', 'artificial', 'not genuine; fake or false'. VITUS by definition means 'life-giving', which is why by definition we like to keep things fresh (which me...

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